Sunday, March 31, 2013

LLAMA Webinar: “Job Hunting for Today’s Libraries in Today’s Job Market”

I attended a webinar put on by LLAMA that provided some insight into the hiring processes in libraries, and also gave some tips and suggestions for would-be librarians looking for work. As a student librarian with only volunteering and internships under their belt, I was curious what they had to say, and whether I could apply it to my own job-hunting efforts.

One of the items they started off the webinar with was a surprise to me. They said that few people get to the interview stage of the hiring process. Before that, there is a lot of review of applicants ongoing, so it's imperative to give the interview your best if you're called in for one. This means doing your research on the position, and even more importantly,  coming prepared to answer the questions they're likely to ask. One question they said that often causes problems for would-be hires is "why do they want this position?" Many people are apparently unable to answer this.

They also noted that patience was key: the hiring process can take as long as three to six months from start to finish.

They also discussed the importance of a solid application: it should talk up your abilities and strengths, and of course use good spelling and grammar. A good cover letter should do much the same, while also focus on communicating why you are a good fit for the position and the organization. Above all else, though, it's important for a cover letter to be concise.

One of the most important tips they gave, though, was volunteering and internship experience can be critical, especially if you end up competing with people with professional experience. The more and the more relevant to the position in question, the better.

Finally, they closed off the webinar with some very sage advice: before your interview, remember to sleep, eat, and if you drink coffee normally, be sure to have your coffee.

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